
This is a place for anyone else like me that like beauty, health, fitness, and cocktails...equally. 



Hey girl heyyy! 

So personally my skin routine changes like ALL the time and I think that's perfectly fine. I love trying new products and seeing how they help and right now I feel like everything is SERIOUSLY working well together. 

Everyone wants to get rid of fine lines and dark under eye circles, have an amazing face mask for girls night plus of course a daily sunscreen.

Right now I have a face mask that I'm SO excited to share with you because I've used it about 8 times now and I have noticed that it actually makes my skin GLOW. 

Then I have a daily sunscreen thats light but applies the perfect amount of coverage plus a face oil that I put on with it first thing in the am.

PLUS some other goodies so let's just get into it! 


PS: This is the first time I've ever taken THIS good of care of my skin so don't feel overwhelmed. If you see something you like then just start there. I didn't start with all of these products in one day either so start small and just know you can always come back here when you're ready for your next product! 


To be honest, I don't like to just swear by any mask because I feel like going through the process of doing a face mask takes time and I don't want to do the whole thing just to wonder if the mask even did anything. 

A lot of companies claim things to be true but it can be hard to say if they're really working. 

I used this mask once and didn't like the smell. I mean it's spirulina which is an algae so I mean, I guess you can be confident that they're being honest with their ingredients. 

I kept it on though and used it again the next day and I swear to you, later that day I literally noticed that my skin looked like it was glowing. 

Now I'm obsessed with doing this mask like twice a week before bed or first thing in the morning then I close up my pores with this next product...


This is technically for ice rolling sore muscles on your body which is why this product is a win win! I use it for what it's for and then I use it for what it CAN do, which is tighten my pores and reduce under eye puffiness INSTANTLY. 

After I do a mask or if I just wake up and feel like I can't even open my eyes, I roll this all over my face and neck for 5-7 minutes and feel so rejuvenated it's insane. 

This is also another thing that I do where other people will comment that my skin looks "glowing".


Nahaia Sunscreen and Gold Face Oil

Post mask and ice rolling, I dab a little bit of this gold oil into my palm then add 2 pumps of 30 SPF sunscreen. 

I've been obsessed with this combo because I'm HORRIBLE at applying sunscreen daily so it's been nice to have a go-to but ALSO i've been loving how easy it is to add in the benefits of the Liquid Gold Nourishing Oil. 

The oil is made with ALL ORGANIC  and natural ingredients like rosehip, primrose, and macadamia nut. It is meant to help with anti aging by firming and rejuvenating the skin. Definitely A MUST if you've been looking for a face oil. 

I've tried other oils like straight up rosehip oil but I found they were either too oily or they would cause me to not get pimples but sort of...they were like little tiny bumps along my cheek bones. 


Last but not least, I've been ending my days with this Nion Beauty cleansing brush! Their brushes are built from technology in Japan and research in South Korea to bring us something called S-Ion technology. 

I don't know about you but I had no idea what this was but apparently (now stay with me here), negative ions can boost our circulation, counteract environmental toxins and increase our sense of well-being. 

These brushes actually BOOST negative ions to cleanse our skin. So it's VERY helpful for a small price. 


Also, I've been using these:

Now to be totally honest, I've only used them twice, and I have one more to use. I don't think I have horrible under eye circles so it could be that I'm just not noticing much but, I'll keep you updated. 

I like the way they feel and you can just give them a quick cut so that they fit to the shape of your eye. I've worn them while cleaning up the house and blogging but again, I'll give it another shot to see if I see anything much different. 


So that's it! I know it might sound like a lot but if you want to start with any 1 product just click on the picture and you'll be ready for check out!


What does your skin care routine look like right now? And PLEASE let me know if there's anything out there that you think is a MUST HAVE.