
This is a place for anyone else like me that like beauty, health, fitness, and cocktails...equally. 




I've been trying to perfect this effing recipe for what seems like FOREEVVVERRRR.

I honestly never use the oven, haha everything I make takes like 10 minutes in a pan before I throw it on some spinach and arugula then add avocado and lemon soooo my baking skills are basically non-existent. UNTIL NOW BOOOOOOM.

Alright let's just get to it because I know how annoying it is when you click on a blog to get a recipe and they give you their entire life update.


Here's What You'll Need: (Ingredients)

- 3 TBS Crunchy Almond Butter

- 1 Cup Honey

- Pinch Sea Salt

- Pinch Cinnamon

- 1 1/2 Cups Shredded Coconut

- 1/2 Cup Dried Cranberries

- 1/2 Cup Cocoa Chocolate Chips

- 1 Cup Mixed Nuts (I used cashews, almonds, and pistachios)

- 1 Cup Ground Flaxseeds

$$$ Saving Tip ::: Instead of buying a bag of cranberries, a bag of chocolate + a bag of every different kind of nut...I INSTEAD I just bought a bag of trail mix from Trader Joes that had mixed nuts, dried cranberries and chocolate. Then I quickly separated the nuts from the chocolates and cranberries :)

Here's What You'll Need: (Kitchen Ware)

- 1 9X13 Baking Pan

- Parchment Paper



1. Pour the honey into a pan and cook it on low heat just to melt it.

2. Set your oven to 350-degrees.

3. Line your baking pan with one sheet of parchment paper

4. While the honey melts, spoon the almond butter into the bowl. Don't stir anything yet!! I'll let you know when!! :)

5. Add the Sea Salt & Cinnamon

6. Add the ground flaxseed

7. Chop up the 1 Cup of mixed nuts and add that into the bowl

8. Add in the dried cranberries and chocolate chips

9. Add in the coconut shreds

10. NOWWW drizzle the honey and stir :)!

Okay now just scoop the batter into the pan on top of the parchment paper and bake it for 20 minutes.

Let cool on the counter for one hour then let it cool in the fridge for one hour before cutting it.

It will still seem a little soft when you take it out but I promise it will harden as it cools! :)


ENJOY! Let me know what you think :)





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