Chelsey Rose

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So if you read my posts on acupuncture and cupping, you know that I'm sort of obsessed with Chinese medicine...NOT TO MENTION, there was also that time I raved about the China Study Book that basically changed my diet for good. 

I feel like they just get it you know? So I went to this Chinese Herbal Tea Store in Beverly Hills a few weeks ago and learned all about the power of ginseng for energy and ALSO how they're obsessed with the benefits of goji berries.

(They taught me a lot more but I couldn't repeat the names back to you if you paid me so it was kind of useless.)

So obviously goji berries rang a bell. 


I looked up the benefits and these things are like effing magic. First of all I've had them in smoothie bowls, on yogurt and I've eaten them plain and they're so bomb. I feel like they're so under appreciated. 


So first of all it's obviously a fruit BUT they contain 8 ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS, which are like the building blocks of protein. And ESSENTIAL meaning that we would die if our bodies didn't have them. #YESLAWD


ALSO, a small 4 ounce serving provides us with 10% of our daily protein needs & considering that's coming from an all natural FRUIT, is seriously amazing.


Third thing. Always remember that we DON'T want to consume simple carbs, and that we ALWAYS want to consume COMPLEX CARBS. 

Simple carbs are carbs that have been stripped of all of their nutrients, which usually makes them white because they've lost their color. Think white bread, white rice, white potatoes, white sugar etc. COMPLEX carbs are the carbs that are healthy for us that we can use as fuel because they slowly give us energy.

When we eat SIMPLE carbs on the other hand, they all turn into sugar as soon as we digest it which gives us a huge rush of energy like a sugary energy drink, and then makes us crash. (This is why you feel like you could sleep for 9 days after eating a huge plate of pizza or a massive bowl of pasta).

SO. Moral of the story is...the sugar in goji berries is actually a complex carb AND they are high in fiber! Which makes them the perfect snack while you're out running 5 million errands or at work. Fiber filled fruits are also why I'm obsessed with pears.


This might be my favorite little fact about these things. 

This is AMAZE because vitamin A decreases our signs of agin because it INCREASES our collagen production and reduces acne, AND helps keep our hair healthy AF. 


So, back to the whole Chinese viagra comment...YEAH..

Goji berries are used in Chinese medicine to help increase energy and enhance the release of hormones. This allows them to actually help us handle stress + they support a healthy mood, mind, and memory. 

Great. On to the good stuff. 

They ALSO increase blood flow, including to our sex organs which is why they call the Goji berry "The Viagra of China". HAHA. I feel like this berry is accomplishing more than I do in a week.

Just remember that you get what you pay for. They might run a little more on the expensive side (for obvious reasons) and if you find cheaper ones, it's likely that they are packed with sulfates, and we don't want that. 

So grab some, sprinkle them all over your life, in your bed, whatever, and let me know how it goes!