Chelsey Rose

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I recently shared a healthy morning ritual I follow daily on my blog, and I received great responses for it. So, I decided to share some things you should add to your nighttime routine. 

Not only will a nighttime routine help you reduce stress from your long day, it will help you to get more quality sleep. I recommend at least 8 hours a night! The body needs ample time to rest and repair each night. So here are my tips:


1.     Eat a healthy & simple dinner - Try eating protein & greens

2.     Take a nice bath with essential oils - Great way to relax your muscles

3.     Read a book 30 minutes before bed - Great way to prepare the body for rest

4.     Turn off all devices an hour before bed - TV, iPads, tablets, phone & computer

5.     Drink water or some tea - Tea has been known as a sleep aid.  Since you will be without water for 8+ hours, it would be nice to give your body some love before you fall asleep.

6.     Stretch or do yoga for 10-15 minutes - Great way to relax the body and mind

Now, I know all of these tips might not work for everyone and their lifestyle, but try to incorporate a few into your nightly routine and see what difference it makes in your overall health!