Ah finally time for some details on this past weekend.
I couldn't wait to share this with you guys because it was probably the coolest even I've ever been to. The production and the planning behind it all was INSANE.
They said that they spent over 6 months planning for our first run! That doesn't even include finding influencers to invite, finding the hotel, the lunch, dinner and after party locations and so on.
Basically the event was put on my Asics to promote their new shoe that is coming out in just a few weeks! But they also teamed up with SMSB to promote the WELLNESS that comes along with running.
They wanted to remind us that running is supposed to be FUN. You're allowed to enjoy yourself and you don't have to be so uptight when you hit the pavement.
#RUN4ADVENTURE was the hashtag of the weekend and that is definitely the kind of running that we did.
So to start off the adventure, ASICS had a driver come swoop me up from the Valley and take me to the ACE HOTEL in DTLA.
I came to found out that I was SUPER lucky for being able to arrive at the event the day of when I was later meeting girls from South Korea and Germany who were saying that they had to get the event a few days before hand so that they could try to adjust to the time change!
I checked in and fell in and immediately fell in LOVE with my hotel room. My boyfriend and I actually decided that we want the layout of our room at our new apartment to be very similar so WE'LL SEE HOW THAT GOES.
Not to mention, I'm a verrrrry big fan of working and chillin at hotels. So once I got there I settled right in. I organized the room with all of MY shit, put on the rob, opened the windows, and got to blogging and taking pictures.
I posted up here for a while and wrote my last blog about maca root powder which you definitely need to check out if you haven't already.
I've been putting it in my iced coffee in the morning with almond milk and the energy I get is UNREAL.
Around 5:00 pm there was about 40 of us plus staff that were lining up to get on four different buses that would each drop us off somewhere different in Downtown LA.
This is kind of where we found out that this run wasn't any normal old boring run.
We we're basically on a hunt, and who we thought were random people strolling the city, were actually in on it. It seemed like every corner we turned there was a random person that would rush us off the sidewalk, down a flight of stairs and into an abandoned underground building.
(The whole time I was just wondering how the marketing team at Asics was able to even contact the people that owned these buildings, they seriously seemed ancient!).
We were being chased out of buildings, up stairs, up hills and were basically forced to get in a solid 5 mile run.
Every detail was insanity. They had a woman who was like our next "pit stop" that was dressed up in clothes from the 20's sitting on an old school car, at our next pit stop they had a woman on stilts, then they had a tap dancer in an ally, plus magicians and "gangsters" underground just waiting for us to arrive.
I just felt like it showed a lot about Asics as a brand and the amount of work that they are willing to put into something to make sure they we had an adventure while running. They made sure that we had fun and the amount of work they put into a 1 hour run for us definitely didn't go unnoticed.
The rest of the days spent there included one more run, beautiful views from Perch in Downtown LA then of course lots of delicious food and drinks. This gave us downtime from the activities just time to really get to know these people that came together from all over the nation.
On my last morning there, my boyfriend met up with me and of course we did what any normal person would do in a hotel on a sunday morning.
We ordered breakfast, I ate in bed in my robe and enjoyed my latte then we took some pictures and bolted out of there for a last minute apartment appointment in the valley.
(We're getting ready to move in March soooo pray for us! Haha, it's our first place together and I'm SOO excited!).
Overall, the event was incredible. It reminded me that it's fun to get outside and to stop stressing over working out. Make an effort to sweat daily and you're good. You don't have to kill yourself every time you exercise and you don't have to get down on yourself for missing a day.
ALSO - I was happy to hear that they were stressing the importance of meditation and yoga even if you only consider yourself to be a runner.
Whatever your thing may be, it is important to take those few minutes to yourself first thing in the morning and clear your mind.
Well, I'm off to yoga then I'm spending the rest of the day organizing and looking for apartments!!
Leave your comments below !