Hi ! So if you follow me on instagram, a lot of you already know that I spent this last Sunday locked in a hotel room by the beach, sorting, organizing and planning for this year.
I know a lot of you are huge organizing freaks like me so I wanted to show you some of the things I worked on, list some of the questions I asked myself, and how I organized.
Obviously I'm a blogger and a health coach so my templates might look different than something you might want to use but the questions can help anyone and there's like a million templates that you can download from pinterest! (That's where I got mine!)
Okay - so before you start this - I highly suggest prepping yourself as much as possible.
Like I said, I got a hotel room to myself for the day to get away from any distraction. LOL, you don't need to do all that if you don't want to but at least get yourself ready with a free day where you can put your phone on do not disturb and FOCUS.
Get your calendars, planners, highlighters, post it's and whatever else makes you feel like your really about to make some moves.
I would block like 5 hours to do all of this, and of course plan on taking a lunch break and walking around because it's not great for you to be sitting that whole time.
I brought Print Outs of:
- Monthly goals
- Yearly Goals
- Monthly metrics
- Weekly posting schedule
- Monthly posting schedule
This way I could PLAN what I wanted to accomplish this year, then figure out when EXACTLY I would like to accomplish each thing, and then I put it on my calendar to see if it made sense. I needed to make sure there was enough time in between each new goal to prepare and execute each one properly.
BUT I couldn't even do this until I sat down and answered a series of questions.
Get a pen and paper, some high lighters and post it notes if you want and answer the following questions.
1. What would you do this year if you knew you could not fail?? What would you just LOVE to accomplish? What would a insanely successful year look like for you?
2. What will you promise to differently this year? What was something you did last year that just didn't make you happy or proud or move you in the direction of accomplishing your goals that you are just going to QUIT doing this year?
3. THE NUMBER. How much money do you want to make this year?? BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.
4. (bloggers, business owners, entrepreneurs) What did your metrics look like this year? How many email subscribers did you gain? What was your click through rate? What were your top 5 most popular posts/newsletters/blogs. What newsletters got the least click rate? What was your biggest money maker? What got you the most leads? How much did you make this year?
5. Write down all your current metrics so that every 3 months you can track your progress. (instagram, pinterest, twitter, facebook, email subscribers, youtube, etc).
6. List alllll the ways that you plan on making money this year. Adjust your services and numbers until it matches the amount of money that you said you wanted to make this year. Write down all the ways you would promote each thing that you plan on making money on.
Now start adding the launch date for each thing to your calendar and then schedule the days that you will work on each thing as well as when you will promote it. This is why you need to give yourself more time than you think in between each new project because it will take time to create it and promote it.
At one point I asked myself what I REALLY enjoyed working on this year vs. what i HATED working on this year. The pink was what I realized I loved and the blue was what I didn't like so much (haha not too much!) and then the yellow was words that described the common themes of what I loved working on. So it came down to ENGAGING, COLLABORATING, CREATING AND well, MAKING MONEY!
Okay so now you can see why this took me like all day haha. It was SO worth it though. We don't ask ourselves these questions often enough. It's really hard to move forward at the rate we would all like to when we don't have a plan.
It honestly took me some time to think about the answers to some of these questions which is funny because it's MY LIFE, you would think that I would know but the truth is, if you never take the time to think about it then you will never know.
If you do this please take pics and tag me on insta!! I looove seeing you guys get to work and be badass.