
This is a place for anyone else like me that like beauty, health, fitness, and cocktails...equally. 




With my brand new 4 phase strength training program

Where are phases 3 & 4?

  • Phases 3 and 4 are only available after completing phase 2. The 4 phase program progressively overloads therefore requires a certain amount of progress before being able to complete.

  • After completing phase 2 you will be emailed a direct link to sign up for the next phase!

What are the different phases like?

Phase 1:

+ Designed for beginners, those who have not practiced strength training in over a year, or for those who are uncomfortable in the weight room.

+ Focuses on compound exercises.

+ Focuses on endurance rep ranges (15-20) reps for most exercises to strengthen core stabilization +  strengthen joints and ligaments while improving proper form.

+ Introduces uni lateral regressions to begin building core strength.

+ The workout split = 3 strength training days, 2 light cardio days, and 1 random activity day.

+ Plan is 8 weeks long.

+ 24/7 access to me via the app to ask any questions you may have.

Phase 2:

+ Designed for intermediate women who have been strength training for at least 2-3 months.

+ Focuses on compound and isometric exercises.

+ Focuses on endurance rep ranges (15-20) and introduces hypertrophy rep ranges (6-12).

+ Progresses uni lateral and bi lateral exercises and introduces isometric exercises.

+ The workout split = 4 strength training days and 2 light cardio days.

+ Plan is 8 weeks long.

+ 24/7 access to me via the app to ask any questions you may have.

Phase 3:

+ Designed for semi advanced women who have finished phase 2. For women who are ready to take their training to the next level and who are ready to commit to their goals.

+ Focuses on progressively overloading isometric, unilateral and bilateral exercises by introducing Range of Motion, Time Under Tension, Volume and Load.

+ Focuses on hypertrophy rep ranges (6-12) to really take your training to the next level while decreasing your BMI.

+ Introduces proper sprint interval training to BURN FAT LIKE A PRO.

+ The workout split = 5 strength training days and 1 sprint interval day.

+ Plan is 8 weeks long.

+ 24/7 access to me via the app to ask any questions you may have.

Phase 4:

+ Designed for advanced women who have finished phase 2 and 3. For women who are ready to take their physique beyond what they even think is possible and who are 100% committed to reaching their goals.

+ Focuses on building the glutes without bulking the legs. Tones the body while trimming fat.

+ Focuses on strength rep ranges (1-5) and hypertrophy rep ranges (6-12). HUGE RESULTS AND PROGRESS LAND HERE.

+ The workout split = 5 strength training days, 1-2 sprint interval days and 1 banded booty workout.

+ Plan is 8 weeks long.

+ 24/7 access to me via the app to ask any questions you may have.

Ready for your transformation?

I’ve mentioned before that I have had hundreds if not thousands of assessments with women all over the country and over the last year and half I have noticed that I’m having the same conversation with every woman I talk to.

I commonly hear:

1. I work out all the time but I’m not seeing results.
2. I don’t have time to eat during the day and then I binge at night.
3. My friends like to go out a lot and I feel like it’s hard to balance that with working out and eating clean.
4. My boyfriend makes it hard for me to eat clean. (DAMN BOYS!)
5. I don’t know what to do at the gym.

The most common workout routine of clients that come to me are:

  1. Barre

  2. Yoga

  3. Pilates

  4. Hiit Classes

So we have tons of women working out consistently, confused on what to eat, and not getting results. There’s a million and one things out there on social telling us to pay attention to coconut oil, intermittent fasting, crazy psycho go-go-go workout classes, and we’re made to believe that if we don’t sweat our asses off and feel dead from our workout, that it wasn’t a good workout.

Seems like we should probably switch things up and get educated on what actually matters!

That’s where I step in.

I’ve been teaching women:

+ How to properly strength train.

+ WHY Strength training mixed with specific kinds of cardio is going to yield the best results.

+ How to understand how many calories you should be eating and WHY.

+ Why your calories should be looked at from a weekly perspective as opposed to daily.

+ What stress eating does to your digestive system and why it’s leading to that bloat you’re constantly feeling.

+ How to stop paying attention to the small things (1 cheat meal, having a drink with friends, etc.) and how to start paying attention to the bigger picture (consistency = results).

+ Why squats actually aren’t the best thing to build an ass…and which exercises you SHOULD focus on.

I want to teach YOU GUYS all of this because you deserve to know and you deserve to freaking look and feel the way you want to.

Everyone is too caught up on trying to get results as fast as possible that everyone is just fucking it up for themselves. Girls are raising their cortisol from insane workout classes when they’re already stressed from work, life and family AND THEN they’re dieting too hard too fast which is causing them to lose muscle, retain body fat, and burn calories SLOWER throughout the day.

I will turn your body into a calorie burning machine that works for you while you sleep, get rid of your cellulite, help you burn body fat, show off your abs, and get your energy and confidence up.

I’m ready when you are! LET’S DO THIS! I can’t wait to add your before and after pics to my collection!!!