
This is a place for anyone else like me that like beauty, health, fitness, and cocktails...equally. 



Going to workout events in LA is always a good time because it's an opportunity to sweat, meet new people, try new products and check out new studios.

Typically it's a class that I've tried before whether it's a spin class, yoga or a simple run so I don't really think about it but THIS TIME when I found out that the event was described as a "hip hop and pop music focused workout that mixes toning, cardio and.....choreography" I paused. 

Choreography? SHIT. I don't dance, HA. I mean I get down at weddings and in the car FOR SURE but dancing while memorizing at the same time seems like overload. 

Regardless I figured I'd just work it out until I broke a sweat and call it a day. That's all that really matters right? lol. Plus the event was at the ROW in DTLA which haas this INSANE view and it's finally not 9 million degrees outside so I was down with it. 

When I arrived, GlamSquad was styling girls out with sick braids, FurtherFood was passing out THE BEST collagen samples that you could just add to your water, and louuud Beyoncè music was setting the vibe.

Then the one, the only, Nicole Winhoffer showed up.

Need a background check? Here's some of Nicole's titles:

+ Creator of the NW method - a 55 minute full body workout that specifically focuses on the 3 biggest problem areas - Behind the arms, waist, and that booty. 

+ Co creator of "Addicted to Sweat" - did I mention she co created this with MADONNA? Yes THE Madonna. 

"Addicted to Sweat is inspired by my workout that I do consistently to take care of my mind and body.  My trainer Nicole and I have created this program that has helped to give me the body I have today." - Madonna. 

+ Global Ambassador of women's training for ADIDAS

+ Trainer for Kate Hudson, Mya and Molly Sims.

The list goes on. She's basically KILLING it. She got everyone together, got some positive vibes going by reminding us to think about what we REALLY want in life, what our dreams TRULY are and asked us to hold that thought with us throughout the workout. 

Then it was time to GO. 

She brought some serious fun and confidence as she got us warmed up then moved into teaching us the sassy choreography for the day. It was a new level of motivation as she shouted things like "MADONNA SQUATS LOWER THAN THAT" and "KATE HUDSON LOVES THIS WORKOUT".

errr, what?!

Anything that makes me feel remotely close to Kate Hudson is a plus, duh. 

Okay - my quads and my ass... WERE ON FUCKING FIRE. 

She was having us squat, and squat, and squat and squat and step and squat and kick and skip and run. I was sweating my ass off but the music was so on point (you guys know I love my hip hop) that I hardly noticed it. The energy was so insane as about 30 of us got into this workout together and just embraced it. 

This was the point that I understood how dancing can be SUCH a good workout.

So I was really excited to be able to experience the feeling of just letting go and having fun while dancing and sweating. She made it fun for everyone. There were a few dancers there but not many - because that wasn't the point. 

The point was to bring some cool ass people together that may have never danced a day in their life and give them the opportunity to experience it and just have fun with it. There was no judgement, there was no comparing and no failures. 

I felt just as good as the girl next to me because it was A FEELING. It wasn't about form. 

Okay sorry about the rant - I just loved it! And I know some people would be scared to walk into an environment like that but I'm telling you - it was SO fun. 

Once it ended I was a little bummed because I thought that Nicole was only visiting LA since I knew she did a lot of teaching in New York BUT I have good news for all of us!

Apparently she MOVED to LA and now anyone can sign up for her "NW classes" that take place every Sunday at 10AM at The Playground LA (7375 Melrose Avenue). 

Sign up for a class here!!

SAY WHAAAAAT! So exciting! If you guys are interested at all make sure you sign up and hit me up on Insta to see if I'm going to that Sunday's class so that we can link up :)

The event ended with everyone hanging out post workout for about another hour. We dabbled in some UH MAZING cocktails made with Bogarts Gin or Vokda (I chose gin) and Gt's Kombucha. 

Uh genius?? I think I'm going to make this my thing from now on because it was so good! Here's some of the cocktail recipes:

There was salads and sandwiches too, don't worry - WE DID EAT.

I needed to! I was starving by the time that workout was over lol. 


By the way, If you can’t make a class, you can do Nicole’s workout at home by singing up for her monthly subscription classes.  It gives you access to her hour long workout and every Sunday a new video is released.

You can get more info on that here:) 

Overall the event was amazing, the workout was even better and I can't wait to go to one of her classes! 

Do you guys think you would be interested in dancing as a workout? Why or why not? Let me know below!